Tuesday, August 16, 2011

British Leader To Crack Down On Gangs

British Prime Minister David Cameron says his government is going to look to the United States for help in fighting gangs he blames for helping spark Britain's riots. (Aug. 11)

At the heart of all the violence sits the issue of street gangs. Territorial, hierarchical and incredibly violent, they are mostly composed of young boys; mainly from dysfunctional homes. They earn money through crime, particularly drugs, and are band together by an imposed loyalty to an authoritarian gang leader. I want us to use the record of success against gangs from cities like Boston in the USA and indeed from the police in Scotland, who have done this by engaging the police, the voluntary sector and local government. And I want this to be a national priority. I also believe we should look beyond our shores to learn lessons from others who faced similar problems. And that’s why we are discussing how we can go further in getting to grips with gangs with people like Bill Bratton; former commissioner of police in New York and Los Angles. Of course, the problem is not just gangs.  There were people who saw shop windows smashed, and who thought it would be OK just to go in and steal. It’s not OK, and these people too, will have to face the full consequences of their actions.

1.     at the heart of: the core, the main reason for the problem
2.     territorial: used to describe animals or people that try to keep others away from an area that they use or control
3.     hierarchical: describes an organization and is divided into different levels often with different degrees of power or authority
4.     compose: to come together to form or make (something)
5.     dysfunctional: the condition of having poor and unhealthy behaviors and attitudes within a group of people
6.     band: to form a group in order to do or achieve something
7.     impose: to force someone to accept (something or yourself)
8.     loyalty: the quality or state of being loyal~ having or showing complete and constant support for someone or something
9.     authoritarian: expecting or requiring people to obey rules or laws : not allowing personal freedom
10. get to grips with: deal with (a problem or a subject) "I still have not come to grips with the death of my parents"
11.  former: used to say what someone or something was in the past
12. consequences: something that happens as a result of a particular action or set of conditions

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