Saturday, November 17, 2012

Keurig - Pronunciation trouble

Though we anglicize (make English in appearance and/or pronunciation) many names there are a few that I feel are two far removed from the original. The latest is "Keurig"- the new coffee makers that are so fashionable as of late

Please note the correct pronunciation is: “keer-ech”!

Just for  interest's sake, let's look at how a few other names sound in their original languages:

 1. Van Gogh = van GOKH (-v as in vet, -g as in get, -kh as in Scottish loch) 

 2. Bach = B-ah-x (X means that harsh sound in the back of your throat, as if you were clearing it.) 

 3. Beethoven = Bayt -ho -fen - The first part of the name is pronounced like the English word "bet" but with a stretched "e". In the second part of the name the "h" is pronounced,followed by a slightly longer "o" sound,so yes it could be phonetically spelled like - "hoe" - and the "v" should be pronounced as "f".[fan ˈbeːt.hoːfən]